Trilogy HAL-RAR – a modern and less painful method for removing hemorrhoids at the Medical Group
"Trilogy HAL-RAR" wireless system, a device for the treatment of hemorrhoids, is available in our hospital.
Using the doppler-ultrasound signal, it solves the most complicated form of hemorrhoidal disease:
1. Locating: precise detection of arteries
2. Ligitation: reduces blood flow to the artery
3. Lifting: moves the hemorrhoids inside where they physiologically belong
4. Prolapse (falling out) of hemorrhoids is solved
With the help of the "Trilogy HAL-RAR" device, pain, itching and bleeding are solved, it is possible to quickly
return to daily activities with minimal postoperative pain.
In our hospital, this important service is performed by mr sci. Dr. Goran Janjić, general surgery specialist, who
pays special attention to each patient.
Book your appointment at: +387 (0) 51 818 818 and +387 (0) 65 033 300.